In the first hours of the afternoon greetings from Fr. J M Abella, CMF (General of the Claretian Missionaries), Cristina Martinez (previous General Secretary of the LCM), and the Lay Claretians from Nigeria were read.
We then started our working session. Gathered in groups, and continuing the morning dynamic, situated in the year 2025, we imagined the LCM as a person: its physicality, health, tools and resources, hopes and dreams, challenges and weaknesses, and what to do in order to grow and evolve, as well as what was necessary to understand it. At the same time, we analyzed the differences between the imagined person and the actual image.
We followed this with the preparations for the coming elections of the General Council by reading the job descriptions and their responsibilities according to the Guiding Rules. The present General Council shared their experiences frp, the past years, and finally we carried out the first sondeo of candidates.
After dinner, Canada and Chicago delighted us with some music and delicacies from their lands.
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